Jambes fraises: Que devrais-je faire ?

<tc>Treating Strawberry Legs: Guide</tc>

jambes de fraiseSummer is upon us, which means mini skirts, shorts, short dresses and swimsuits, but what about if you have strawberry skin… these points and black spots?!

Calm down. you are not alone.

This phenomenon is very common among girls and women, and it has nothing to do with skin color or type.

In this article, we will answer the most common questions about strawberry skin.

Continue reading to find out more.

What are strawberry legs?

peau de fraise

These black spots on the skin are called strawberries or “strawberries” because of the red skin and black spots that look like the seeds of a strawberry. And this term has become popular among girls and on social networking sites, but in reality they are:

  1. Hair follicles formed under the skin.
  2. Bacteria.
  3. Oil accumulated under the skin.
  4. Dead skin.

When pores are exposed and air reaches these oils, they oxidize and turn dark.

To better understand how to treat and prevent dotted, spotted and bumpy skin, you first need to know the causes!

Here we go…

What causes strawberry legs?

points noirs

Most girls today suffer from strawberry legs. It has become one of the most common phenomena on social media, as it has caused some girls to look down on themselves and control their choice of clothing. For some girls and women, strawberry legs have become a nightmare.

So, my dear, you need to know what you are doing to make these blackheads appear on your leg.


It's become a trend!

Yes. among teenage girls, it has become one of the main methods of hair removal after shaving!

Unfortunately, this method is not healthy at all. Shaving with old or insufficiently sharp razors, or using them without shaving cream can cause these blackheads to appear.

jambes de fraise

Continuous use of these razors also causes hair to grow under the skin. In some cases, these black spots are just hairs growing under the skin, and this often happens in people who have thick hair.

#2 Clogged pores

The skin on your legs contains thousands of pores. These are small openings in the skin that allow oils and sweat to pass through.

These pores can become clogged with bacteria, dead skin and oils. When these elements inside the pores are exposed to air, they oxidize and turn into those annoying black spots.

#3 Folliculitis

One of the reasons for the appearance of strawberry skin is folliculitis. This is a common skin condition in which hair follicles become inflamed. And it has become common among teenage girls due to their heavy use of razors.

jambes de fraiseAt first, they are red and small or white blisters around the hair follicles. But be careful, my dear, you need to treat it immediately, because the infection can spread and turn into crusty sores that do not heal. This can also lead to the dark skin appearance associated with strawberry legs.

#4 keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common and harmless skin condition that causes dry, rough patches and small bumps.

In a very short time, its shape changes to resemble small pimples, goose bumps or "strawberries", which are rough and difficult to touch.      

#5 Excessively dry skin

Severe dryness of the skin is also one of the causes of strawberry legs. If your skin is dry and you shave, it will irritate the skin, which will suffer from burns and inflammation from shaving, leading to the appearance of strawberry-shaped legs.

After learning what strawberry legs are and what causes them, let's know how to prevent them from appearing on our skin.

peau de fraise

How to avoid strawberry legs?

For you, my dear, we have collected some tips that will allow you to achieve clear, taut, smooth and strawberry-free legs.

Let’s see them…

#1st tip

Dry brushing

You should know that you are precious and that your skin deserves to be taken care of, my darling. So, brushing your body twice a week has many benefits. It is sufficient for:

  1. Eliminate dead skin.
  2. Reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  3. Peel off the skin.
  4. Renew blood circulation.
  5. It regenerates cells.
  6. Helps absorb your moisturizer more effectively.

peau de fraise

But how can I use dry brushing ?

This brush is used to clean your skin, but be careful not to pass it over each area more than two or three times and in a clockwise direction.

#2nd tip


Regular cleansing of the body and removal of dead skin makes your legs look smooth and clean. Exfoliate your body once a week, this is enough to exfoliate and cleanse your skin and remove clogged pores. Never miss the scrub, because it protects you from the appearance of strawberry legs and gives you fresh and luminous skin.

But how can I do the scrub?

  1. On dry skin.
  2. Exfoliate the skin before showering.
  3. With circular movements.
  4. Gently.
  5. Exfoliate for 30 seconds.
  6. Once a week.

#3rd tip


Since summer is around the corner, that means we are going to the swimming pool, exposure to the sun and sitting in air conditioners, all of which causes severe dryness of the skin! Therefore, dear always ensure the continuous and strong hydration of your skin.

peau de fraise

To protect your legs from strawberry skin, you must also moisturize them well before waxing them, so be careful my dear to always have sexy legs!

#4th tip

Women's razor!


To avoid having strawberry legs and smooth legs, you must carefully choose a razor adapted to your skin.

We will give you some advice that will help you choose:

  1. Razor intended for women.
  2. Single use only.
  3. Well sterilized.
  4. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  5. Shave in the evening.

#5th tip


One of the overlooked ways to prevent strawberry legs is massage, which has a magical effect. It helps stretch tight muscles and improve skin shape and tension.

jambes de fraise

But how can I do the massage?

  1. Choose a natural oil.
  2. Use your thumb.
  3. Raise the ankles to the back of the calf and the knees.
  4. For two minutes for each leg.


I know, my dear, that you always prefer natural and safe methods. Here are some tips to make your legs soft naturally.

Tips to avoid strawberry legs naturally

peau sèche
  • Never neglect to drink water daily
  • Never neglect the weekly peeling of your body
  • Hydrate your skin just after showering.
  • Moisturize your skin in the evening before going to bed.
  • Use safe hair removal methods
  • Massage the body several times to stimulate blood circulation

Well honey, now you have no reason to think before putting on your shorts. You will definitely be able to get rid of your strawberry legs, become more beautiful, and increase your self-confidence. And now share your photos on social networks without being embarrassed, you are beautiful in every way.

I just want to remind you that if you want to get one of the products that will help you get rid of strawberry legs, don't hesitate to try it from GT.

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