bronzage de la peaux noires et métissées

<tc>Tanning Guide for Black & Mixed Skin</tc>

peaux noiresCan dark skin tan?

How not to tan black skin?

How to get a good tan?

Can African American skin be spray tanned?

What are the benefits of tanning for black skin?

How to get a fake tan?

Many people wonder if black people benefit from tanning! Yes, of course they benefit, but it's not about looking darker, it's about glowing.

Benefits of tanning on black skin


Usually we go to the beach to have a good sunbath while spending some quiet time enjoying the sun with our families and friends, but have you ever wondered what the benefits are? What are the health benefits associated with the beach? What are the health benefits of the sun?


The benefits of tanning black people are the same as for blonde people:

1. Essential source of vitamin D

The sun is the best way to get the vitamin D you need naturally. So a brief sunbath can provide your body with all the vitamin D it needs for the day, but it differs from skin to skin, so for a dark-skinned person, a few hours is enough .

prendre un bain de soleil

2. Say goodbye to insomnia

Do you suffer from insomnia? your eyes are always open at night, after this article you will have a good sleep!

Many studies have shown that the sun can be the solution to this problem, it can give you enough energy during the day to make you sleep well at night. thanks to the hormone melatonin, a hormone that organizes your sleep. And, when you wake up, you will feel good and active.

3. Improve blood circulation

Ultraviolet rays reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation. However, since it only takes 15 minutes, your body produces more white and red blood cells, which improves and strengthens your immunity.

4. A little sun, perfect skin

We usually thought that the sun could damage our skin, but the surprise here is that it can be a kind of medicine. So I think you have to catch a few rays to enjoy the benefits of the sun.

 peaux noires et métissées

Before you get that alluring color, there are a few things you need to keep in mind that will help you transform your body into a painting.


Tips for a perfect tan for black skin

1. Always be protected.

Dark skin must also be protected from the sun, so the ideal is to reapply sun cream every 2 or 3 hours.

2. Exfoliate before tanning to last longer

The scrub helps remove dead skin cells, revealing the fresh skin underneath. After that, the skin will be completely ready to absorb the new color, regardless of the tanning method chosen.

peau foncée

3. Moisturize before and after tanning

Dark skin is more resistant to the sun, but it also needs deep hydration

So don't forget to hydrate the day before your sunbath and after your return too! But to kill two birds with one stone, you can use a moisturizing sunscreen.

4. Make your dark skin feel the caresses of the sun

The most annoying thing after tanning is having different colors on your body, so turn around every 15 or 30 minutes to make sure the UV rays reach all parts of your body.

5. Don't ignore your shower

you have already put too many products on your body, so you need to remove those oils, creams and salt to get a feeling of freshness and softness, and to make your dark skin more and more radiant.

rayons uv

Darker skin tones can be highlighted beautifully with a touch of fake tan.

Many dark-skinned African-American celebrities like Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, and Gabrielle Union regularly visit spray tanning salons to enhance their dark beauty.

Different ways to tan black skin

Tip #1 Tanning with sea water

the best way to get a tan is sun and sea salt, it's great for attracting sunlight to your skin.

Tip #2 Tanning with reflection of sunlight

It is natural for water to reflect sunlight, there is an effective way to attract the sun's reflection from the water towards you, which is to lie on or in the water to get a perfect glow on your dark skin.

rayons uvTip #3 Tanning with carrot oil

Golden brown color is a wonderful look for people with brown skin, and carrot oil is one of the most effective products to achieve a deeper, darker tan.

Tip #4 Fake tan

This is the easiest way to quickly get a fake tan. Apply a tinted oil, spray or lotion that gives you a darker shade.

So, There are some frequently asked questions about dark skin, some of them will be answered in this article, keep reading…

Frequently asked questions about black and mixed skin:

 peaux noires et métisséesDon't black and mixed skin need sun protection?

No, it’s FALSE!

Black and mixed skin are naturally more resistant to the sun, it's true, but that has nothing to do with sunscreen. Additionally, studies have shown that sunscreen is not related to skin color, but serves to protect it. It protects the skin against sunburn and skin cancer.

Black and mixed skin don't get sunburned?

Uhmmm, maybe!

Thanks to their richness in melanin, they are less likely to get sunburned. Its aim is to block the harmful effects of UV rays.

peaux noiresDoes sun protection prevent tanning?

No, not at all!

There are two types of UV rays that affect the skin.

UVA causes premature aging and wrinkles.

UVB are the main cause of sunburn.

There is therefore no sunscreen that completely blocks UV rays, it only protects your skin against damage caused by the sun.

What are the best times to tan?

 peaux noires et métissées

Between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m., the sun is very harmful and powerful, so try to avoid this period. so, the best time to tan is from around 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

So, YES, black people tan.

Many people all over the world wonder, if women have dark skin, why do they get tanned?

In fact, tanning is very beneficial for black skin. It helps hide skin imperfections, eliminate strawberry skin and dead cells. Tanning makes black and mixed skin more beautiful, more radiant and more attractive.

So, if you are going to the beach soon, try the products of GT, we have a perfect range of sunscreens, moisturizing and tanning lotions!

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